Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Podcast

Greg H man – The Healing power of hydrogen? What is the hydrogen fast? Alkaline, Kangen, spring water or distilled water what Is the best?


Greg “The Hydrogen Man” or “H Man” is a serious hydrogen therapy evangelist. The study of molecular hydrogen therapy has been his passion for over 10 years. He is well versed in the extensive health benefits molecular hydrogen provides. His knowledge comes not only from his extensive study but from first-hand experience in his own healing. Greg has been featured on several podcasts including Hope & Health with Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood, The Certified Health Nut with Troy Casey, Heavy Muscle with Dave Palumbo, Inspired with Kristin & Jean Nolan, The Right Side with Doug Billings, Syncretism Society with Santos Bonacci, The Truth Unveiled with Paul Oebel, and Face the Facts with April Moss. Additionally, Greg has hundreds of thousands of views on his YouTube channel. Greg does not work for Molecular Hydrogen Technologies or Holy Hydrogen.

(0:20) Hey guys, welcome to today’s episode. (0:23) And we have Greg, the hydrogen man and, or you can call him the H man. (0:28) He is a serious hydrogen therapy guy.


(0:32) He is just all about molecular hydrogen therapy. (0:36) It’s been his passion for over 10 years. (0:39) And we’re going to be talking about the hydrogen fast, how to get (0:42) your health to a whole new level.


(0:45) So Greg, welcome. (0:47) Thank you so much for having me. (0:49) So one of the things that you talk about is something (0:53) called the hydrogen fast.


(0:56) So I’m really curious about that. (0:58) What is that and how has that kind of changed your life? (1:04) So hydrogen fasting is something that I invented, you know, I was really sick. (1:09) So technically I’m not even supposed to be alive right now.


(1:11) I was extremely ill. (1:13) I had numerous, you know, health and medical problems. (1:16) And what a lot of people don’t know about me is that I actually worked in (1:19) the medical field for like two decades.


(1:21) So a long time, I really understand how it all worked. (1:24) I knew what happened behind the scenes. (1:26) And when I got sick, it was absolutely terrible because I knew the gauntlet (1:31) that I would have to go through.


(1:32) And I really didn’t want any part of it. (1:34) I was definitely not a health guru at the time. (1:36) I really didn’t understand a lot about health.


(1:39) And so I had to find my own way and I’m a real data driven guy. (1:43) So I’m not really big on just opinions. (1:46) You know, there’s a lot of opinions out there.


(1:48) It was very frustrating for me to watch different podcasts and listen to (1:52) different people, even doctors where they are all basically (1:55) contradicting each other. (1:57) And one of the things that I obviously found was fasting and I (2:00) definitely did a lot of fasting and fasting is important, but it’s (2:03) very important to do it correctly. (2:05) And what I mean by being data driven is I really look at a lot of scientific (2:09) studies rather than listening to whether it’s a doctor or a naturopath or whoever (2:14) really, because everybody has, again, their opinions and I’m just, I (2:19) wanted to just go off of data.


(2:20) I’ll give you an example. (2:21) So for example, you know, you’d watch some podcasts and somebody will say, (2:24) Hey, alkaline water is the best water to drink. (2:27) Somebody will say, no, no.


(2:28) Spring water is the best water to drink. (2:29) And somebody will be like, no, you should be drinking this, you know, this (2:32) ionized water stuff or even hydrogen stuff. (2:35) And so there’s so many different opinions and, oh no, you should (2:38) only drink distilled water.


(2:39) And so there were so many differences of opinion on what the best water was. (2:43) And so I just did critical thinking and I thought for myself, like, what (2:47) do I really want out of my water? (2:48) Because water is super crucial when fasting, it’s extremely important (2:53) to do fasting correctly, in my opinion. (2:56) Okay.


(2:56) I will say that a hundred percent, you know, and I will say, I (3:00) don’t give any medical advice. (3:01) I don’t make any medical claims and everything I’m stating (3:04) today are just my opinions. (3:06) You know, I’m not making any claims for or against any product or products.


(3:09) I just really need to say that out there because this is important. (3:12) And so the critical thinking that I did with water was, I just thought to myself, (3:16) I just want water that’s clean, like the cleanest water, meaning I (3:20) don’t want any chemicals in it. (3:22) I don’t want certain things in it.


(3:24) And unfortunately I ended up having to become a specialist in new (3:27) skills when trying to get my health back and save my life basically. (3:31) And one of the things that I got, I literally have a lab test right here. (3:35) So this is a third party lab test and there’s literally pages of all these (3:42) chemicals, I mean, pages of pages.


(3:45) I’m just the craziest stuff in our water. (3:48) Some of the stuff that really surprised me on the lab tests is yes, you know, (3:52) pesticides, pharmaceuticals, but these are the other ones that really surprised me. (3:56) There’s so many, I had no idea.


(3:57) We have radioactive contaminants in our water. (4:00) I had no idea that one actually scared the hell out of me. (4:04) And then, and who would it affects the most children, you know, little babies (4:07) and children, because their bodies aren’t fully developed, clean water is so (4:11) essential to health, in my opinion, is just crucially important.


(4:14) And then on top of it all bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, and all these (4:22) biological contaminants in our water. (4:25) And how do you really clean it out? (4:27) And so I looked at every water filtration modality that exists. (4:30) I know every single way of filtering water.


(4:33) And there is really only one way that truly, fully purifies water. (4:38) And that is carbon distillation. (4:40) You know, and if you want to see the product that I use, you know, the (4:43) website’s called mypurewater.com. (4:45) If people want a discount code, they can use the code uprising, (4:47) one, four, four K if they want to.


(4:49) You don’t have to, it doesn’t matter, but it does give you a discount. (4:52) So that’s how I did everything. (4:53) Everything was based on laboratory studies, scientific evidence.


(4:58) And then I realized that Japan was way ahead of the curve when it came to (5:02) really understanding, not only like water and diet, you know, things of this stuff, (5:08) this magnitude that really helped me overcome my health problems. (5:11) And then I learned about cider. (5:13) So hydrogen was, (5:14) well, first I want to, first I want to stop right there.


(5:17) Cause I want you to answer that question. (5:19) Cause I think this is a huge controversial topic, you know, like you just said, (5:25) alkaline, hang in water, uh, distilled water, spring water. (5:31) And so I want you to actually talk real quick about what the pros and cons of (5:38) having alkaline water or distilled water or having spring water or hydrogen water.


(5:45) All right. (5:45) So this is, this, that’s a really good question too. (5:48) When you say King and water or alkaline water, it’s actually bathed because you (5:54) can make alkaline water in many ways.


(5:56) You can literally take tap water, put baking soda in it and boom, it’s alkaline (6:01) water. (6:01) Is that going to solve all your problems? (6:02) In my opinion, definitely not. (6:04) So the King and machines actually caused, in my opinion, I say, in my opinion, (6:10) okay, I’ll say in my opinion, but I did read studies and research on this.


(6:14) The problem with research, and this goes for anybody who’s doing scientific (6:19) research, is that there’s a difference between short-term data and long-term (6:23) data. (6:24) So the reason that the King is became so popular is because in short-term data (6:27) looked really good. (6:28) And everybody thought, oh my gosh, these King and machines are amazing.


(6:32) Um, look at the data. (6:34) The problem is then the long-term data, the long-term data did not look good. (6:38) And then it was like, why is this happening? (6:41) Everybody thought it was because of the pH of the water that it had these (6:44) benefits, which ended up not being true by the way, because again, we can make (6:47) alkaline water very easily.


(6:49) And that alkalinity is different. (6:52) That alkaline water is not from putting a mineral. (6:54) It’s not from putting baking soda.


(6:56) It’s through ionization of the water. (6:58) So all these different alkaline waters are actually not, they’re not the same. (7:02) So we’re using one word for something that it depends on how (7:05) you actually go about doing it.


(7:06) Same thing goes for hydrogen. (7:07) There’s numerous ways to make it. (7:09) And in my opinion, there’s the right way, which is the medical way that I (7:12) researched, and there’s definitely the wrong way.


(7:15) And there’s a lot of that going on these days. (7:16) So sorry that it’s a little confusing. (7:19) So basically the King and machines are creating this alkaline water that (7:24) appears to cause issues with your GI system after long-term usage.


(7:27) But why is it causing an issue with the GI? (7:29) Because what happens is your stomach’s actually designed to be acidic. (7:33) You’re, you’re literally having these acids in your stomach and you’re (7:36) designed to have them because they have a function and the function of them (7:39) are to break down food properly. (7:41) So that you can properly absorb nutrients.


(7:43) It’s even there to kill certain pathogens so that you don’t (7:46) get those in your system. (7:47) Now, this is a scientific fact. (7:49) Anybody can research it as we age, we make less and less stomach acids.


(7:54) So by using something like the King and it actually was disrupting that (7:58) and causing issues with people’s acidity in their stomach. (8:02) So it’s, it’s actually something that in my opinion, it’s very (8:04) problematic and causes more problems that it solves. (8:07) Then later on, they found out that it was never the pH that was given the (8:11) benefit when it had to do with the King and the King and machines were (8:14) inadvertently literally by accident, making a little bit of hydrogen.


(8:18) And that’s where the benefit really appeared to be coming from. (8:21) And so then the Japanese have been doing research on the hydrogen thing a lot. (8:26) And once they figured out that it was really the hydrogen that appears (8:29) to be bringing all these results.


(8:30) And there’s not just like 50 studies or a hundred studies at this point, I believe (8:33) there’s over 2000 studies so far. (8:36) It’s something that is now not only very medically legitimate, (8:39) it’s actually medically approved. (8:40) So they use hydrogen gas in Japan.


(8:43) It’s medically approved and they use it for different things. (8:46) It’s actually really fascinating, but I won’t go into those details at this time. (8:49) So in order to make the best hydrogen water in the world, and also just hydrogen (8:53) gas, because I inhale it for my health.


(8:55) Also, I have it right here actually. (8:57) And so ultimately the best way to do it, in my opinion, was I clean my water to (9:02) the highest degree, which is carbon distillation. (9:05) So that just fully cleans the water.


(9:06) If you want to add minerals to it, you can, I have some, I put very little in (9:10) there, I found that you really want most of your minerals, some of your food (9:14) actually, but then you put it in a proper hydrogen machine. (9:18) So I use the best one in the world. (9:19) I don’t mess around when it comes to hydrogen, because there’s little (9:22) machines out there, like for example, I don’t know if you’ve ever received (9:24) these like little bottles that they claim to make hydrogen and they do make some, (9:28) but I’m not a fan of these at all.


(9:30) Uh, mostly because, well, they are made in China. (9:32) I’m sure everybody thinks that China’s really has our best health at their best (9:36) interest, but I don’t know if I believe that, but, um, I’ve seen the lab tests (9:40) of the membranes and what they’re made of the metal that they use. (9:44) When you go through the process of ionization to extract hydrogen, (9:46) they’re using plated metal.


(9:48) Uh, China doesn’t have the best technology when it comes to (9:51) And so the device I use is Japanese. (9:55) So I use it and it happens to be the number one device in all of Japan and (9:58) medical professionals were actually hydrogen specialists in Japan. (10:02) This is the machine that they use and recommend, which is called the (10:04) Lourdes hydro fix that people want to see it.


(10:07) The official site is called only hydrogen.com. (10:09) If people want to go see the equipment that I use, when you put pure hydrogen (10:14) and fully dissolve it into water, because that’s what we’re doing. (10:16) We’re dissolving a gas, molecular hydrogens, a gas. (10:20) You dissolve it in the water and whatever water you choose.


(10:23) Now with the King and you can’t do that because the King and you have to (10:26) actually hook it up to your water line. (10:29) And then they have filters that they use, which I’m not a fan of the filters (10:32) they use because I like the cleanest water in the world, the device that I (10:36) use, you can put any water you want. (10:38) So I have a very separate device for carbon distillation.


(10:40) And then I put whatever I want. (10:42) The water I wanted the device to saturate the hydrogen in there (10:45) and hydrogen is pH neutral. (10:48) So it shouldn’t affect the pH.


(10:49) It doesn’t make your water out going. (10:51) It’s also odorless, colorless, and tasteless. (10:54) And the health benefits are obviously pretty dramatic.


(10:56) That’s literally what saved my life. (10:58) I made a lot of changes in my life. (10:59) I tried all sorts of different diets.


(11:01) I tried all sorts of different supplements. (11:03) I tried all sorts of different technologies. (11:05) I saw numerous doctors, nothing was helping me.


(11:08) And it wasn’t until I created basically this protocol of my own. (11:11) And part of it is the cleanest water. (11:13) I definitely did fasting.


(11:15) And that’s actually when I invented the hydrogen fast, which nobody really (11:19) knows about because I, I invented it. (11:21) And so I do a specific fast using hydrogen and the cleanest water in the world. (11:27) And of course I load up on nutrients before doing a fast, because in my (11:31) opinion, that’s very important because fasts deplete you quite a bit.


(11:35) And so that’s how I went about it. (11:37) Not only did I transform my life, I started using this technique on other (11:40) people, specifically people in like my family or friends. (11:44) Like, uh, one of the really good examples, somebody close to me, you know, having (11:48) issues with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, and (11:53) glaucoma, all those issues went away with the hydrogen technique that I use with them.


(11:57) And it was so dramatic. (11:58) That’s when I really was like, holy cow, this is doing not only something for me, (12:02) but it’s working for other people. (12:04) And then since then I started my YouTube channel and I just (12:07) get the information for free.


(12:08) I just want people to, to have this information because there’s too many (12:11) people suffering in the world today. (12:13) And I just want people to have an avenue because I know what it’s like to suffer. (12:17) I mean, my medical condition just totally ruined my life for people who don’t (12:21) know, I had tumors all over my body.


(12:23) I had a heart condition that was supposed to end my life. (12:25) And I was told I needed open heart surgery. (12:27) I had autoimmune issues.


(12:29) I had inflammation all over the place to the point where I literally couldn’t lift (12:32) up or remote control and like try to change a channel on a television (12:35) because my joints hurt that bad. (12:37) And it was just so depressing. (12:38) So many gut issues that I also had, which seemed to be related to the autoimmune (12:43) issue that I had on top of it all.


(12:45) And my liver, my kidneys were not, you know, at their best (12:48) and like my meals were all week. (12:50) And I just had so many medical problems. (12:52) My body was really an absolute mess.


(12:54) And then I’ve taken it all the way to the other drastic measures where I get (12:58) blood work regularly and I get checked out regularly and I need to make sure (13:01) that what I’ve been doing is working. (13:03) And not only is it working, I mean, I literally had the last local I got was (13:06) from a doctor who did the blood work and they saw the results. (13:09) And when they saw it, they actually called me because they’re like, I would (13:12) like to know how you’re achieving this.


(13:14) Uh, the doctor, she said, I’ve been doing this for decades. (13:16) I’ve never seen blood work like yours ever in my entire life. (13:18) And I was like, Whoa, that’s a pretty big statement there.


(13:22) And she said, I want to know what you’re doing because I want to not only do for (13:24) my patients, but I want to do it also for my own daughter, her daughter’s apparently (13:28) sick and she said, even for myself. (13:30) So it’s kind of funny. (13:31) Most of the doctors who contact me are dealing with their own (13:34) medical issues on top of it.


(13:35) Also, even they are suffering. (13:37) So people are just suffering. (13:38) And I think it’s really important to, for people to have really good (13:42) information and knowledge so that they can improve their lives.


(13:44) I just think it makes it a little better place. (13:46) Did you guys know that 97% of Americans are deficient in at least one mineral? (13:52) It’s true. (13:54) You need more than a dozen minerals for your body to function in its best, but (13:59) with the standard American diet, it’s almost impossible.


(14:03) So here’s where Bean Minerals comes in. (14:06) Guess what? (14:07) All you have to do, take one little shot of this one, one little shot of this one. (14:12) And guess what? (14:14) It looks like this, but it tastes like water.


(14:19) Take one shot and boom, in 30 seconds a day, you’re getting an entire thing of (14:26) minerals instead of an entire cabinet of supplement bottles. (14:30) So with Bean Minerals, we make mineral balance simple. (14:37) So I want to talk about the alkaline water for just a second, because I am (14:42) actually, I think alkaline water is terrible for you because I think that alkaline (14:49) water can neutralize stomach acid and that can increase harmful bacteria.


(14:54) And if you have like acid reflux, drinking the alkaline water is going to reduce (15:00) your stomach acid, like you just mentioned. (15:03) So now if you’re reducing your, your stomach acid, now you’re going to have (15:07) more acid reflux if you have it. (15:09) And if you have high pH alkaline water and now you’re getting your stomach acid (15:17) worse and worse and worse, now you’ve got damage to your mucosal lining.


(15:22) Um, you can affect your potassium levels. (15:26) There’s just all kinds of things. (15:28) So I am, I remember taking, you know, when, when the whole craze of like the (15:34) Kangen and the alkaline water came in, I would drink that and I already (15:39) have low stomach acid, so you’d like, he said, as you get older, your (15:44) stomach acid gets worse and worse.


(15:46) And, um, when I was young, when I was pregnant with my son, I threw up about (15:53) six to 10 times a day, every day from the time that I gave, um, that I got (15:58) pregnant till the day I gave birth. (16:00) While I was pushing him out, I threw up probably 25 times at the minimum. (16:04) So major stomach acid issues.


(16:07) Um, and then a couple of years while I was in college, I was bulimic. (16:11) So the combination of those two items, my stomach acid, when I started to having (16:18) personally doing the alkaline water, and then I started doing research and I (16:22) realized that is absolutely the worst thing for you to do. (16:27) Um, and as far as what you were saying, as far as the making sure that you, (16:34) you know, do the distilled water.


(16:37) Um, I do agree. (16:40) I think, you know, getting a really great distiller. (16:42) I bought a, I bought a, I think it was either three or $500.


(16:46) I can’t remember. (16:46) I know it was really expensive distiller that I have, but I always think about (16:51) that of, okay, what about like drinking mountain Valley water or like a really (16:56) clean spring water that does have minerals to it? (17:01) I don’t want to kill all the minerals. (17:03) And I heard what you said about getting your minerals from your food, but wouldn’t (17:09) it be good if you got minerals from your water and your food? (17:11) So what would you say to that? (17:14) So again, I’m data driven.


(17:15) So going off the actual data, what happens is there is actually such a (17:20) as organic and inorganic minerals and minerals are truly transformed through food. (17:25) So if I were to give you an example, let’s say you’re deficient in iron. (17:29) You don’t want to grab a piece of iron.


(17:31) It’s like a piece of metal and start sucking on it because that (17:33) would actually be toxic for you. (17:35) And if you get iron from your vegetables, for example, that’s (17:39) going to be a much better source. (17:40) Now, the reason now I was already doing this and then a scientific study came out.


(17:45) Proven that my method was working correctly, which is what I was doing is I (17:49) was actually putting minerals in a smoothie that I create and the smoothie that I (17:52) created has fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, even beans at times. (17:57) And so I make these smoothies and I did it because of the science again, following (18:01) the data, the Japanese had really, really interesting data about fiber. (18:06) So there’s a lot of interesting information coming out about fiber out of Japan.


(18:10) And we even have some old studies in America. (18:11) I don’t know why they tried to suppress them, but fiber is so (18:14) ridiculously important for our body. (18:16) It’s just, there’s so many things that it does.


(18:18) And a lot of people will try to disagree with this and that’s fine. (18:21) Look, I’m not, I’m not here trying to convince people. (18:23) These are the methods that I use.


(18:25) They clearly are working on me and they’re clearly working on other people. (18:28) And what happens with the fiber is in this particular study, they literally did a (18:32) study on smoothies, like the ones I’m making. (18:34) And when they add minerals to it, the body was literally rebuilding bone.


(18:39) And they were not even expecting that as a result. (18:41) And your bones were rebuilding. (18:42) And basically what appears to be the case is that the minerals work with the fiber.


(18:47) And it’s almost like a time release in the body of these minerals being able to (18:51) absorb really, really good at the body. (18:53) So it actually appears to help a lot with the mineral absorption, (18:56) which is really important. (18:57) The absorption is really crucial.


(18:59) So it really looks like you should be getting your minerals (19:01) from like 80% from your food. (19:03) As far as with water. (19:05) I mean, I, I add little minerals here and there.


(19:08) I don’t do it every single time. (19:09) Um, I could show you the minerals that I use. (19:11) I’m very picky about every product that I pick.


(19:13) I do a lot of research on all of them. (19:15) And I use these minerals where they eliminate actually almost all the salt. (19:18) I know a lot of people try to use like, Oh, I use Himalayan salt.


(19:21) So I’m getting my minerals from myself. (19:23) Uh, the problem with things like that is you have to look at the content of (19:26) minerals versus the content of salt and Himalayan salt, though I do use it. (19:30) I like it on my food.


(19:31) The problem is, is that it has a very low mineral content versus (19:35) a very high content of salt. (19:37) And salt is not very good for us either. (19:39) The research of the data on that is actually really quite clear.


(19:42) Not that we don’t need any salt, but we really shouldn’t have too much. (19:45) It’s not very good for us. (19:47) And so utilizing all this knowledge, all these methods to create protocols.


(19:51) Guys, I just want to interrupt for just a second. (19:53) And I want you to hear Paul Saladino talk about why liver is so important. (19:59) And if you don’t like liver, we have another option for you.


(20:04) Your ancestors were eating liver. (20:05) And the reason that this sort of wisdom has been passed down is (20:08) because liver is very nutritious. (20:09) It’s basically nature’s multivitamin.


(20:11) If you look at the nutrients in meat, they’re great. (20:13) You’ve got zinc, you got B6, you got B12, you got some K2. (20:16) But if you look at liver, it really complements what’s in muscle meat.


(20:19) And there are many unique nutrients found in organs, specifically (20:22) liver, as a powerhouse of these, that are difficult to obtain outside of liver. (20:26) Like meat and organs are like peanut butter and jelly. (20:28) They just go together.


(20:29) They’re supposed to be eaten together. (20:30) The easiest way to eat liver is just to do it raw. (20:32) If you don’t want to eat liver raw, you can cook it.


(20:34) But the reason that I like to do it raw is because there are unique (20:37) nutrients in liver that are probably somewhat degraded when you cook the liver. (20:40) This really is like the most nutrient rich supplements that you can find. (20:45) And they are amazing.


(20:47) I have tried them. (20:48) I absolutely love them. (20:49) So just go to heartandsoil.co use the coupon code Chantal Ray and save yourself some money.


(21:00) So tell us what a day in the life of hydrogen man looks like. (21:06) So, um, down to kind of what foods do you eat? (21:11) What foods do you not eat? (21:13) And kind of that make you feel absolutely optimal. (21:18) Well, so, okay.


(21:20) There’s a lot of reasons for the things that I do, but if I were to keep it pretty (21:23) simple, the first thing I do when I start my day, again, when I have knowledge, I (21:28) want to find ways to actually put them into practice, right? (21:31) Instead of when somebody gives you information that is really not that easier (21:34) to put into practice or maybe too ridiculously expensive. (21:37) So the very first thing I do in the morning is I always grab a toothbrush, no (21:41) toothpaste. (21:42) I just wet the toothbrush and I brush my teeth for 10, 20 seconds, really quick and (21:47) brush the inner surfaces of the mouth, meaning the roof, the inner lining of the (21:51) cheeks, your tongue.


(21:52) And somebody might be like, what does that have anything to do with it? (21:55) The reason is because again, the Japanese and they’re always, I don’t know why the (21:58) research, the best research seems to come out of Japan. (22:01) I find research everywhere, but best and latest data seems to be coming out of (22:04) Japan. (22:05) They’re really into the healthy and they discovered that we grow really bad bacteria (22:09) in our mouth while we’re sleeping.


(22:10) Some of it even appears to be cancer causing bacteria. (22:13) And so when you wake up in the morning, if you drink water or if you drink coffee or (22:18) you eat something, you’re inadvertently swallowing this bad bacteria into your (22:22) system. (22:23) And so the first thing I do is clean my mouth.


(22:25) It’s really easy. (22:26) You just brush 20 seconds. (22:28) You’re good.


(22:29) Then the very next thing I do very first thing in the morning is I drink hydrogen (22:32) water. (22:33) So it’s super clean water, meaning the cleanest there is. (22:36) And because it’s carbon distilled and then I dissolved hydrogen into it made properly (22:41) and safely, just so you know, I’m not a fan of hydrogen pills.


(22:44) I’m not a fan of any machine that uses chemicals to make their hydrogen. (22:47) Some believe they’re not used things like lye, sodium hydroxide, or even cheap (22:51) products like, like these or Tengen. (22:54) I don’t do any of that.


(22:55) So I use the Lourdes Hydrofix premium as I already mentioned to you guys, and it (23:00) fully saturates the water with hydrogen. (23:03) And I’m not sure if you’re aware that nature does this. (23:05) If you want to know more about that, I’ll mention in a second.


(23:07) So I drink that water. (23:09) I, and it really is going to depend on the level of health of your kidneys, maybe (23:14) even what medications or certain issues that you have. (23:16) So that’s why I’m not giving any medical advice.


(23:18) Everybody does it or should probably do it a little differently, but I (23:21) have my own protocol for myself. (23:23) So I’ll drink that hydrogen water. (23:25) And you know, it’s really important to get the body fully hydrated.


(23:27) First thing in the morning, we literally wake up dehydrated. (23:30) And so that’s the first thing. (23:31) And then after that, I do, I show this by the way, on my YouTube channel for free.


(23:36) So then I go and make a smoothie. (23:38) A lot of times I make what’s called a, I use a vacuum. (23:41) I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a vacuum blender, but (23:43) you don’t have to use that.


(23:44) But I make a vacuum blended smoothie where it sucks the oxygen out of the, (23:49) out of the blender so that it literally doesn’t oxidize your (23:52) smooth when you’re blending it. (23:53) Cause there’s actual science again, data showing that the nutrients are much (23:56) higher when you don’t oxidize your food. (23:58) While you’re preparing it as far as like, for example, on a smoothie (24:02) and a smoothie gets everything in there.


(24:04) I put everything in there. (24:05) I’ve never seen anybody make a smoothie like the one I invented ever, (24:08) which is kind of wild to me. (24:09) But I mean, I put vegetables, I put some fruits, I put nuts in it.


(24:14) I put certain seeds in it. (24:15) And once in a while I put beans in it. (24:18) Now specific being called Mapple, N-A-T-T-O.


(24:22) It’s most likely that number one, super food, probably in the world, in all of Japan. (24:27) They’ve done so many research studies on it from being anti-cancerous to having (24:32) some certain properties as far as like thinning your blood out a little bit, (24:36) which is really great so that the blood can get into all the areas it needs to (24:39) get to and massive amounts of protein. (24:41) It’s almost the same amount of protein as beef.


(24:43) This stuff is like crazy good for you. (24:45) So I put that in there and I, and then I literally was just drinking it before (24:49) we started doing the podcast, having my breakfast. (24:51) So I have these smoothies that are just filled with minerals.


(24:55) They’re filled with fiber. (24:56) They’re filled with a lot of vitamins, filled with a lot of protein. (24:59) It’s just filled with enzymes, filled with phytonutrients.


(25:03) It’s filled with everything. (25:05) And that’s what I kind of live off. (25:06) I drink that smoothie for breakfast.


(25:08) I have some for lunch. (25:10) And then after that, then, you know, I do a healthy dinner. (25:12) And again, I post a lot of the different dinners that I do on my channel.


(25:16) And I also eat a lot of mushrooms, the science on mushrooms, which literally (25:21) there’s good data that just came out on mushrooms. (25:23) I’m glad that I’ve been a fan of them for so long. (25:26) Uh, but there’s a huge correlation now, uh, between basically overcoming (25:31) or not getting dementia or Alzheimer’s.


(25:33) Uh, there’s some certain properties to the mushrooms that (25:35) are really, really valuable. (25:36) Um, you’re supposed to eat them at least two to three times a week. (25:39) And it’s significantly brings down the probability of something like (25:43) dementia, according to the data, preliminary data that’s coming now.


(25:47) And they did a research on a lot of people in Japan who are centennials, (25:51) people who are like a hundred years old, who just don’t have dementia. (25:53) And they found that pattern as far as people eating mushrooms. (25:57) And then they did research on it.


(25:58) So that’s kind of a little bit of what I do though. (26:01) I drink my hydrogen water, not only in the morning. (26:03) I also have some for lunch time, and then I have it a little towards the (26:07) evening time around right before dinner.


(26:09) I always load up on the hydrogen water before 20 to 30 minutes before (26:13) meals, because it’s very helpful. (26:15) That’s part of the technique. (26:16) And then a lot of times I’ll even inhale the hydrogen gas while I’m (26:19) literally, you know, eating my dinner or having my smoothie also due to the (26:25) ability for it, that it appears to help you absorb nutrients.


(26:28) So that’s another one. (26:30) That’s one of the things that my, like I said, the doctors that I’ve done (26:32) blood work with in the latest one, they just can’t believe it. (26:34) They’re like, I just can’t believe that you eat the way you do.


(26:38) And that you don’t have any nutritional deficiency. (26:40) So almost everybody has nutritional deficiencies. (26:42) How are you accomplishing that? (26:44) And, you know, it’s not like, you know, people want to eat meat.


(26:47) That’s fine. (26:47) But there’s many reasons that I don’t eat meat. (26:50) And so that’s one of the ones that just shocked my doctor.


(26:52) They just couldn’t believe that my nutrients in my blood were where they (26:55) were at, considering that I don’t actually eat meat. (26:59) Hmm. (27:00) So just explain kind of the difference between hydrogen gas and hydrogen water.


(27:08) Well, basically we are talking about a specific type of hydrogen and you have (27:12) to be careful because there are hydrogens out there that in my opinion are not good. (27:16) Um, you know, I’m not a fan of something called Brown’s gas. (27:19) I’m not a fan of deuterium hydrogen.


(27:21) We’re talking about something called molecular hydrogen and molecular (27:25) hydrogen is a gas, much like oxygen is a gas. (27:29) And what we’re doing is we’re saturating, dissolving it into the water. (27:33) So kind of think of like carbonated water has also a dissolved gas called CO2.


(27:38) Right. (27:39) And so all we’re doing is, is dissolving molecular hydrogen in this gas into the (27:44) water. (27:45) So you’re using water as a carrier.


(27:47) Um, the real main reason that it appears that people came up with this idea was (27:50) because have you ever heard of a place called Lord’s France? (27:53) You ever heard of a place? (27:54) Lord is really okay. (27:56) So this is supposed to be like a holy site, which is interesting because the (27:59) website is called holy hydrogen, right? (28:01) That’s kind of funny, but this holy site in Lord’s France, where people (28:05) literally drinking the water over there out of this spring, uh, the Lord’s spring. (28:10) And people were literally their medical conditions or their diseases were going (28:15) away.


(28:16) And a lot of people thought this was placebo and they did literally send (28:19) scientists to study the water because they started documenting the amount of (28:22) cases of people’s medical conditions going away. (28:25) And it was vast. (28:26) There were so many people and well-documented.


(28:28) So they thought there’s gotta be something about this water. (28:31) So they researched the water and everybody came back and said, there’s (28:34) nothing special about it. (28:35) It’s just H2O.


(28:36) Nobody noticed anything. (28:37) And probably because when you take a sample and you send it to a lab, the (28:41) hydrogen gas escapes, it doesn’t stay in the water very long. (28:43) So nobody could figure it out.


(28:45) It was actually the Japanese figured it out. (28:47) Uh, brilliant. (28:48) They discovered that that water is actually as high levels of molecular (28:51) hydrogen gaps.


(28:52) They tested it on site and then they discovered that. (28:55) That’s when they went to the lab and they started doing laboratory studies on (28:58) molecular hydrogen gas on animals. (29:00) And they saw amazing results.


(29:02) I’ve actually seen a lot of the footage. (29:03) I kind of wish I had some for you because it’s mind boggling what it’s doing to the (29:06) body. (29:07) One of my videos, video number 68, I number a lot of my videos.


(29:11) Number 68 to make it easy for people to find. (29:13) I have a live blood analysis of what blood looks like. (29:17) And then they had the patient drink really clean, healthy spring water.


(29:20) And then they had that same water and they put it into that literally the same (29:24) type of machine I use actually for this particular lab test. (29:27) Then they had the person drink that one and all the lab tests. (29:30) You should have seen the one when they drink the hydrogen water, it was so (29:33) unreal that when I posted it, not only that we were as doctors contacting you, (29:37) there was this one doctor.


(29:39) She was really stubborn. (29:40) She was like, she said, look, what you’re showing there is impossible. (29:43) She said, it’s just impossible.


(29:44) This has got to be a scam. (29:46) And I understand when I first read the medical data on hydrogen, I thought it (29:49) wouldn’t scam when the first studies came out in like 07. (29:52) And so I was very skeptical myself as I am.


(29:54) That’s why I’m data driven. (29:55) I need to see data. (29:57) And so what she wanted to do is she literally bought the exact same machine.


(30:01) We found out all the parameters out of the test that they did. (30:03) And she went to her own lab, did the own test on her own. (30:07) And she wanted me to show the results.


(30:09) She, she wanted me to show them on my channel. (30:10) And she kind of made me promise to her, Hey, no matter what the results are, you (30:13) want to show people that if this information is not right, you’re going to show that to (30:17) them. (30:17) And I said, absolutely.


(30:18) I’m looking for the truth. (30:19) I only want to share the truth on my channel. (30:21) And so anyway, after she got those back, the results came back exactly the same.


(30:26) She’s like, I can’t believe it. (30:27) This stuff is unreal. (30:28) It really is the real deal.


(30:29) And I’m like, I know it really is truly in my opinion, a miracle. (30:33) And so it’s amazing how it affects the blood, but it does so much more than that. (30:37) Um, it even opens up ghost vessels.


(30:40) I don’t know if you know what those are, but, uh, the number one university in the (30:44) world that researches hydrogen called Keio university in Japan, they discovered that (30:48) hydrogen opens up these ghost vessels in the body, which are places where blood used (30:52) to get into and no longer gets into, which is extremely important. (30:55) People don’t understand. (30:56) Actually an ancient scriptural verse that says life is in the blood.


(31:00) If I were to cut off the blood supply to my arm, my arm would die. (31:04) The blood is bringing life to my body and there’s a lot of nutrients in the (31:08) blood and the blood carries gases too. (31:10) That’s why we test for oxygen saturation levels in the blood.


(31:14) You can do that with hydrogen too, by the way. (31:16) And so this is really important. (31:18) And so obviously getting proper blood supply, the proper areas as we age, just (31:24) like the stomach acid thing, we have these places where we used to get blood (31:28) that we don’t get blood there.


(31:29) And they’re kind of like a ghost town and they call them ghost vessels. (31:32) It’s a medical term. (31:33) You can actually look it up.


(31:34) And so hydrogen appears to open up these ghost vessels again and start bringing in (31:39) blood again, back to these areas, which brings all those nutrients to these tissues. (31:43) And the effects that it’s had on, I mean, like I said, uh, from cancer to diabetes, (31:49) to dementia and Alzheimer’s to heart conditions, my heart condition, I was told (31:53) that I needed open heart surgery. (31:55) And when I started trying to figure out, I tried all these different ways of using (31:58) hydrogen first, because I didn’t understand how you make it matters.


(32:01) That’s how dumb I was. (32:03) And then in time, I realized that it really does matter how you make it. (32:07) And so when I got the best machine in the world, which was the best one in all of (32:10) Japan, and I noticed all the scientific data lined up perfectly with the (32:13) scientific literature.


(32:15) So I went for it and I got one of these machines and created my protocols and my (32:19) heart condition literally went away. (32:21) I was already scheduled with a cardiologist. (32:23) I had been thoroughly tested.


(32:24) They saw the issue that I had. (32:26) The doctor literally told me, he goes, you’d be lucky to have 10 years. (32:29) He goes, your, your heart is really bad.


(32:31) And I was using the hydrogen and messing around with different protocols. (32:35) My condition literally went away. (32:36) I went there for the very last day where I was going to start scheduling some stuff (32:41) for the surgery and it just disappeared.


(32:43) And I’d had this condition for decades. (32:45) And so the doctor was like, what in the world just happened? (32:48) This, these things don’t happen. (32:49) They don’t just disappear.


(32:51) And hydrogen is medically approved for artifacts. (32:54) For example, it appears, appears to be really good for the heart. (32:57) And, and obviously, you know, that, you know, heart disease is one of the (33:00) number one killers in the world, either number one or number two, at least in (33:03) America, kind of flip flops with cancer.


(33:06) And so it’s just been such a lifesaver and the things that it’s done for, you (33:10) know, friends and family and now numerous people. (33:12) I mean, I worked with a lady, this was interesting. (33:14) A woman with TBI, you know, traumatic brain injury.


(33:17) And so it appears to be so amazing for the brain on top of it all. (33:21) And this poor woman was actually going to take her own life. (33:24) I didn’t know that, but she had contacted me and I didn’t (33:26) know that she was on that verge.


(33:28) She could barely talk. (33:29) Her speech was really bad. (33:32) Her memory was horrible.


(33:33) She would, she would forget what she was saying every 10 to 20 seconds. (33:36) And I just felt really bad for her. (33:38) And I helped her and she got on a good hydrogen protocol.


(33:41) And I remember what she called me. (33:42) She called me six months later and I didn’t even recognize her. (33:45) She was like, Hey, I just wanted to call you and I wanted to thank you.


(33:48) And I’m thinking, who is this? (33:49) And she said, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. (33:51) And I was thinking I didn’t save anybody’s life. (33:54) I didn’t jump into a river and save a drowning woman.


(33:56) And it turned out it was this woman. (33:58) The reason I didn’t recognize her is because she was talking normal (34:00) and she could remember things. (34:01) And I was so blown away because she explained to me who she was.


(34:04) And I was like, oh my gosh, wait a second. (34:05) Yeah, I remember you. (34:07) And she said, I just wanted to let you know that the reason you saved my (34:09) life is because I was actually planning on taking my life.


(34:12) And I was like, whoa, I didn’t know that. (34:14) And she said, I made a prayer and literally within 24 hours, (34:17) she popped up on some video. (34:18) And she said, I just knew it.


(34:19) I could just feel it. (34:20) And I felt like it was worth trying. (34:22) And she did try it and it changed her life.


(34:24) In fact, if you want to see her testimonial, it’s amazing. (34:27) The company has their own YouTube channel. (34:29) I think it’s called cold dehydration.


(34:30) I don’t know the name of their channel, but they literally filmed her and they (34:33) did a whole interview with her and she gave her whole testimonial and (34:36) it was absolutely life-changing. (34:37) She had been to numerous doctors. (34:39) Nobody ever helped her with her medical condition because nobody could (34:41) picture CBI from a, I think it was a car accident.


(34:45) And so anyway, just, there’s been so much amazing scientific (34:48) literature and testimonials and I’m a testimonial too. (34:52) So it’s been absolutely life-changing. (34:53) I love that stuff.


(34:54) So I want you to just, because for someone who’s listening, I want you to (35:01) break it down a little bit as simple as possible to explain what is hydrogen (35:08) water. (35:08) So like basically when you’re at home, you basically have a machine, right? (35:15) And you are linking up this machine. (35:18) Like, do you have a machine there that you can kind of show us and show (35:22) us how it works or no? (35:26) Yeah, I can show you.


(35:26) It’s pretty easy. (35:27) I mean, the first thing I, there’s my carbon distiller right there, right? (35:31) So that, that’s actually cleaning water right now. (35:33) And I’ll probably, you know what I should do is probably shut it off.


(35:36) And I want to say this, I don’t know about your distiller, but in my distiller (35:41) that I have, that was, I can’t remember. (35:43) I know it was at least 300. (35:45) It might’ve been 500.


(35:46) It is slow as nails. (35:49) Like it takes the water. (35:52) I mean, it takes like five hours to get at least like a small pitcher of water.


(35:59) You know what, and that’s a good point, but let me explain something (36:01) to you that’s really important. (36:04) Anything that filters water immediately is not actually fully purifying your water. (36:10) It literally takes three to six hours to fully purify one gallon.


(36:14) That’s why your distiller takes mine does the same thing. (36:16) Now they have really big systems. (36:18) The website, the reason that I share the website that I use is because (36:21) people always want to know what I use.


(36:22) I do a lot of research. (36:23) Mine is an American made distiller. (36:25) I don’t have one of the ones made in China or whatever.


(36:28) And there’s a lot of things that they do to it. (36:29) That’s a little different and they lab test their stuff. (36:32) But the point is they have these really big systems and being these really big (36:36) systems, you can hook them up directly to your water line and they’ll distill the (36:39) water and it has a siege folding tank and you can just grab water.


(36:42) You know what I mean? (36:44) So anyway, I’ll show you the hydrogen machine cause you were wanting to see it. (36:48) But this is basically right here. (36:49) This is the newest model.


(36:50) I’m using one for inhalation here. (36:52) This was my old model. (36:53) And then I got the newest one here and I mean, it’s full of water.


(36:56) I just filled it. (36:57) And if I wanted to turn it on, I just hit the button once. (36:59) There you go.


(36:59) And it’s going to take half an hour to fully saturate 1.5 liters. (37:04) So again, in order to make hydrogen properly, anything like the canning (37:08) machine that just spits out the water immediately is not, in my opinion, (37:12) being done right because it takes time. (37:13) Just like the distillation takes time, uh, fully saturating hydrogen properly (37:19) and a stable and quote unquote, safe manner, in my opinion, takes time.


(37:24) So let me, let me just explain it to people. (37:27) So the way I understand it is that hydro water, hydrogen water is regular (37:32) water, which you could first, I guess, take the water, distill it in a (37:37) distilling machine, and then you can put it into a, another machine where (37:42) the hydrogen water is basically mixed with hydrogen gas that’s added to it. (37:50) And I, when I say that, cause you’re basically doing a two part process.


(37:54) You’re first taking the water, you’re distilling it, getting rid of all of (37:59) the, you know, toxins and all the chemicals and everything that’s in it. (38:04) Then you’re putting it into another machine. (38:06) And that machine is where you’re taking that distilled water, mixing (38:11) it with hydrogen gas, correct? (38:14) Yeah, that’s basically what you’re doing.


(38:16) Because the first thing is, if you notice on the machine, the hydrogen (38:19) machine, you can put any kind of water you want. (38:21) I mean, you could put spring water. (38:22) You could put, you know, reverse osmosis water, carbon filtered water.


(38:26) I just like to use the cleanest water there is. (38:29) That’s just my opinion on that. (38:31) And what you’re doing is you’re using the water as a carrier or the gas, (38:36) but you’re ultimately correct.


(38:38) That’s all you’re doing is you’re putting whatever kind of water and (38:40) you’re dissolving the hydrogen gas into, and you drink that water. (38:43) And that’s, I guess, the simplest way to put it. (38:45) So yes, you’re, you’re correct.


(38:47) Did you guys know that your thyroid’s main food is iodine and guess what? (38:52) Mercury and other toxins gobble up your selenium and your thyroid glands need (38:59) selenium to convert iodine to thyroxine. (39:02) So if you have mercury fillings and with all the toxins and mold, your (39:07) selenium gets, just gets gobbled up. (39:09) So here’s the bottom line.


(39:11) I take something called heat thyroid. (39:14) It’s got iodine, it’s got copper, and it’s got selenium. (39:17) Everything you need to get your thyroid back to functioning without medicine.


(39:23) So go to chantalrayway.com slash upgraded formulas, use the coupon (39:28) code Chantal Ray to get a huge discount. (39:31) And so basically that hydrogen water, what you’re saying is (39:36) that it can increase energy. (39:38) It’s going to reduce inflammation.


(39:40) Um, and what is the science behind it? (39:44) When you’re adding hydrogen to the water, what is it doing to help with your health? (39:52) Well, the first thing I’ll say is they don’t really know the full (39:55) mechanism of exactly how it works. (39:57) They, they’ve observed some things. (39:58) They they’ve seen that hydrogen appears to function as an anti-inflammatory.


(40:02) They saw that hydrogen really has a real positive effect on the mitochondria. (40:07) So like you were saying for energy and mitochondrial function, which is like (40:10) extremely important for the body to work right and run right is for (40:14) your mitochondria to work properly. (40:16) Um, I’ve seen some things where it actually helps with the pH of your (40:19) blood so that your blood can actually get even more oxygenated (40:24) because we already breathe oxygen.


(40:25) I know a lot of people like oxygen supplements. (40:27) I’m not even that big of a fan of, uh, oxygen supplements, because if your (40:30) body’s running right and super efficiently, then we’re already breathing (40:34) in 20% or more, depending on your atmospheric pressure, you know, (40:37) where you’re at on the world. (40:39) But you’re already getting plenty of oxygen.


(40:41) What you want to do is make your body efficient enough to be (40:44) able to utilize that oxygen. (40:45) And hydrogen appears to actually do that. (40:47) I’ve seen it do that in regards to how to, because of the way that it (40:50) affects the pH of the blood, which by the way, P stands for potential hydrogen.


(40:54) A lot of people are unaware of that also. (40:57) Um, the hydrogen also has been shown to be effective in certain like cell (41:01) signaling, uh, the hydrogen water, for example, and the hydrogen gas also (41:06) appears to work as what they all, they kind of invented a term for it, (41:09) which is a selective antioxidant. (41:12) So a lot of people don’t know, I could pull up a chart for you.


(41:14) I probably should have one, um, that antioxidants actually (41:17) come in different sizes. (41:18) Were you, were you aware of that? (41:20) Yeah. (41:21) So like, if you were to look at like vitamin E being, let’s say this size (41:25) and glutathione would be like, you know, this size and vitamin C and all these (41:30) different antioxidants are different sizes, but what people don’t understand (41:34) is that they can’t penetrate every part of the body.


(41:37) If you were to compare it, even like glutathione, which again is a really (41:40) big one, um, or CoQ10 is actually a really big one. (41:43) The glutathione is a little smaller. (41:45) If you were to compare them to hydrogen, hydrogen would be like just a speck.


(41:49) It’s so tiny and that’s exactly what makes it so special because it (41:53) can enter anything and everything. (41:55) In fact, hydrogen will literally go right through glass. (41:57) It’ll go right through all your tissues.


(41:59) It’ll go right through walls. (42:00) It’s literally like, uh, personally, I think it’s an interdimensional (42:04) molecule, that’s just my opinion. (42:06) Uh, but it can literally go through anything.


(42:07) There’s nothing that it cannot go through. (42:09) And so when you get it in your body, there is no place that it cannot get to. (42:14) It goes right past the blood brain barrier.


(42:16) Um, actually even going to the pineal gland, which I think is really important (42:20) personally, but it can go through any tissue in your body, even down to (42:23) literally the core of your mitochondria. (42:25) And one of the things that it really appears to do is neutralize free radicals. (42:29) So the Japanese, this was, this was a really great study.


(42:32) They had a list. (42:33) I wish I had it for you. (42:34) It was a really, really big list of all these medical conditions, (42:37) like just a ton of them.


(42:38) I think it was almost 200 different medical conditions. (42:40) I think the actual number was like 180. (42:42) All these medical conditions.


(42:44) And next to every condition, they had the pharmaceutical medicine that you would (42:48) be taking for each one of those conditions. (42:51) And the list of medicines was huge. (42:53) It was literally, literally off the page compared to all these medical issues.


(42:57) And then they had even more pills for a lot of the side (43:00) effects from the initial medicine. (43:02) And then they showed hydrogen. (43:04) And the reason they did this is because they had showed that hydrogen (43:06) appeared to be effective for all these medical conditions and what the (43:10) scientists in Japan literally just couldn’t figure out or understand is (43:14) how can this one thing, this hydrogen literally appeared to have such a (43:18) positive effect on these medical conditions, even oftentimes working (43:21) better than the pharmaceutical itself.


(43:23) So these scientists really want to understand why, but it’s really (43:26) interesting story because even the government of Japan actually was against (43:29) hydrogen, they didn’t want it to be medically approved, but there was too (43:32) much medical evidence. (43:33) They eventually didn’t approve it, but they want to understand (43:35) how one thing could do all this. (43:37) And what they realized millions of dollars and lots of research later is (43:41) that 98% roughly of all disease comes out to one thing.


(43:46) That’s how crazy it is. (43:47) And that’s free radical damage. (43:48) So like oxidative stress, or sometimes even called like (43:52) ROS reactive oxygen species.


(43:55) And what you’re going to realize is that they’re all forms of oxygen, oxidative (43:59) stress, oxygen is technically there. (44:01) I say death because oxygen oxidize, it kills things, which can, there can (44:06) be certain benefits from that. (44:07) Life is all about balance of life and death and things to move properly.


(44:10) But this oxidative stress, if you have too much of it in your liver, it’s (44:13) going to cause liver issues, too much of your brain, certain brain issues. (44:17) So hydrogen goes into the body and it has an affinity for oxygen or for (44:22) these, you know, oxidative free radicals basically in the body and it goes to (44:27) them and like neutralize them. (44:29) So it goes to this form of oxygen.


(44:30) You got hydrogen. (44:32) H2O is what water is. (44:33) So it turns into water, neutralizes this, brings down the inflammation, which is (44:38) one of the things that they’ve seen neutralizing these free radicals and the (44:41) body can begin to function the way that it should again, which is one of the (44:43) reasons that I’m really big on overcoming nutritional deficiencies too, because (44:48) what I’m trying to do is I neutralize all these free radicals in my body with (44:51) the hydrogen, plus it does a lot more than that, you know, all the positive (44:54) effects that come from that.


(44:56) And then I want to give my body all the nutrients it needs. (44:59) And I have certain methods. (45:00) I mean, if you want to know how I do it, I can tell you, but overcome any (45:03) nutritional deficiency because the data clearly shows the nutritional (45:07) deficiencies lead to disease.


(45:09) So if I gave you one example, again, it would be like a scurvy. (45:12) If somebody gets scurvy, they figured out that it’s literally (45:15) just a vitamin C deficiency. (45:17) Uh, the six scurvy, you bring up the person’s vitamin C levels to the (45:20) proper levels and scurvy goes away.


(45:22) And so there’s a lot of data in regards to this, in regards to medical issues. (45:26) And when I was trying to overcome my medical problems, I wanted to overcome (45:29) every nutritional deficiency and almost everybody’s deficient in something. (45:33) So I’ve developed techniques on how to do that too.


(45:36) And so I don’t know if that answers your question, but yeah, I do (45:40) want to hear more about that. (45:41) So like, what are some of the minerals that you think that most people are (45:47) deficient in and that you’re seeing? (45:50) Because we’re having more and more people, um, with autoimmune issues (45:56) more than I’ve ever seen. (45:58) Um, when I get questions in, um, on our podcast, almost every one of (46:05) them are complaining about some sort.


(46:08) And I have an autoimmune condition as well. (46:10) So, um, what would you say? (46:13) Yeah. (46:14) So it’s almost like, it’s almost like everyone’s got some (46:18) form of an autoimmune condition.


(46:20) So what would you say are, if someone has, um, you know, rheumatoid (46:25) arthritis or they have psoriasis or they have any host of the most (46:31) popular autoimmune conditions, what would be the minerals that you would (46:36) say that the person is and thyroid issues? (46:39) I would say I’ve never seen more people with thyroid issues than (46:44) we’ve ever had in our life as well. (46:46) So what are some of the mineral deficiencies that you’re (46:50) seeing with those conditions? (46:53) So I hate to tell you that I wouldn’t focus just on mineral deficiencies. (46:57) You want, you want to overcome nutritional deficiencies and minerals on top of it.


(47:04) So that’s the first thing. (47:06) And then of course, really clean water, because the things in the water, in my (47:09) opinion, are one of the number one sources of causing the disruption that (47:13) causes the autoimmune issue. (47:15) Again, I had an autoimmune issue.


(47:17) I don’t have it anymore. (47:18) I was able to overcome it. (47:20) And it wasn’t the most complicated thing in the world.


(47:23) First, clean water. (47:24) I cannot emphasize this enough because if I were to start going through the (47:27) different things that are in the lab report here, you’d be shocked at what’s (47:30) in the water that is going to disrupt your GI system. (47:34) Um, we know that it’s one of the number one sources of microplastics.


(47:37) We know that there’s pharmaceuticals in the water. (47:39) You know what the big, the biggest three pharmaceuticals found in water are? (47:42) One, women’s contraception. (47:44) So think about how that’s going to affect anybody hormonally, man or woman.


(47:48) Uh, the second one is antidepressants. (47:50) I don’t know if you know, the long-term data on that in regards to how it (47:52) affects the brain and the GI system. (47:55) Then the third pharmaceutical is antibiotics, which also disrupts the gut.


(48:00) And by the way, in my opinion, and there’s good data to support this autoimmune (48:04) issues, most likely are coming from your gut. (48:06) Okay. (48:07) And so you have to get your gut, right? (48:09) And so hydrogen actually has been shown to be amazing for gut health.


(48:13) I mean, it absolutely transformed my gut, you know, the inflammation (48:16) feeding, the good gut bacteria, the gut starting to work properly. (48:20) Again, overcoming constipation is another big one on and on it goes. (48:24) So to overcome nutritional deficiencies, here’s a product that I use.


(48:27) It’s actually really great because in the research I found is that food (48:33) is what the body responds to best. (48:35) So I’m not really a big pill person. (48:37) Like, Oh, take this pill and that pill.


(48:38) I’m not really big on pills. (48:40) Every ingredient in this stuff right here is just food. (48:42) That’s all it is.


(48:43) It’s literally just food, but it’s really high quality, clean food there. (48:47) I used to use a different product. (48:49) And when I always look at lab tests, they would have little (48:52) residue of pesticides, almost everything does, even though it’s organic.


(48:55) This was the first product I’d ever seen that did not come (48:58) up positive for pesticides. (48:59) And so I was really kind of blown away by it. (49:02) And I, and I put this in my smoothie.


(49:03) It’s called Power Shave for anybody who wants to see it. (49:06) It’s you want to, it’s the website’s called ishopperium.com. (49:10) If you want to check this out. (49:11) This is what I personally use.


(49:13) And if you want a discount code again, it’s always the same (49:15) discount code uprising, one, four, four K, but this is what I use. (49:19) And so I put that in my smoothie with all these fruits and vegetables, nuts (49:23) and seeds, and periodically beans, because my smoothie is my multivitamin. (49:29) The body responds best to food.


(49:31) So everything in that smoothie is food. (49:34) So what are you putting in your smoothie? (49:37) Oh, I put like a rich leafy greens, you know, kales. (49:40) I put spinach.


(49:41) I have videos on there, by the way, I put cheetah seeds. (49:44) I put blueberries. (49:44) I put carrots.


(49:45) I put beets. (49:47) Sometimes I’ll put an apple. (49:48) I’ll put a banana.


(49:50) I put walnuts. (49:51) Um, sometimes there’ll be cashews. (49:53) Sometimes all ends.


(49:55) I put flax seeds. (49:57) Uh, today I put raw cacao in my smoothie on top of it with a little (50:00) bit of matcha green tea from Japan. (50:02) I put natto beans.


(50:03) I mean, I made different ones. (50:05) So I make a different smoothie every single day. (50:07) Excuse me.


(50:08) And sure. (50:08) Let me grab some. (50:09) Since you’re asking about the minerals too.


(50:10) Let me show you what I got. (50:11) Sorry. (50:14) Then I’ll step away here for a second to grab it for you and show you what else I use.


(50:18) Um, one of the other nutrients that’s extremely important for health. (50:21) I mean, I cannot emphasize it enough. (50:23) The number one expert in the world I got to learn everything from in (50:26) regards to vitamin D3 with K2.


(50:29) I use it in its ionic form, but vitamin D is so important for the body to function. (50:34) Right. (50:35) And obviously a lot of people are highly deficient in vitamin D and some people (50:38) will even tell me things like, Hey, um, I get enough sunshine, so I don’t need (50:42) vitamin D the latest data again, be data driven.


(50:46) I’m not, I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, but as you age, when sun hits (50:51) the body and your skin, the latest data is showing that when you’re getting older (50:55) and older, your body’s not even producing the proper levels of vitamin D. (50:58) Okay. (50:58) So I want to, I want to address that with you because we just had a guest on. (51:04) And he, so about, about, I don’t know, two weeks ago I had gone to this place (51:12) called restore cryotherapy, you know, and it’s one of those places that they do (51:16) the IV drip, they do cryotherapy, they do red light, you know, all the things.


(51:23) Yeah. (51:23) He ended up getting a D a vitamin D shot. (51:27) Cause I was like, you know, I feel like I’m probably vitamin D deficient.


(51:31) I’m going to get one. (51:33) And I’ve done, I’ve done it about four times. (51:36) And every time I got a vitamin D shot, I felt horrible.


(51:41) And I was like, what is going on? (51:44) Like every time I take this vitamin D shot, I felt terrible. (51:47) And we have this, this guy who’s like a scientist who’s on our last episode. (51:52) And he talked about vitamin D and he talked about the fact that your vitamin (51:58) A levels have to be three times what your vitamin D levels are.


(52:06) And so if you take too much vitamin D, what happens is, and, and I truly believe (52:14) this with all my heart is that, that this is one of the biggest problems as people (52:19) overdo it with one vitamin and then your body has to compensate and (52:24) then you’re just a total mess. (52:26) But I’m telling you as living proof, every time I took one of these vitamin (52:31) D shots, I never felt worse. (52:34) I mean, I was like, was like, literally, I feel like death warmed (52:38) over taking this vitamin D shot.


(52:40) So now I’ve started doing research and I’m really like, okay, what now I’m (52:46) really believing what he’s saying. (52:48) And he’s like, no, every you, you should get vitamin D from the sun and you (52:53) shouldn’t be supplementing with all of this vitamin D because it then messes up (52:59) your vitamin A levels and that your vitamin A levels have to be in order for (53:04) you to be optimum three times what your vitamin D levels are. (53:08) So I don’t know, I’m just telling you what he said, but I’m living proof that (53:14) taking these shots of vitamin D, I’ve never felt worse.


(53:18) So now I’m doing research about what this is because you’re not convincing me that (53:24) me taking that vitamin D three and K two is going to make me feel better. (53:30) Okay. (53:30) So you are, you are literally actually just made my point for me.


(53:34) Um, you have to understand that you don’t want to think too much of anything. (53:38) Too much of anything is not good. (53:40) I’m not telling yourself.


(53:41) I’m not telling you or anybody to pump themselves a vitamin D. (53:44) I think stupid. (53:46) And to be honest, vitamin D shots, because I do think it’s foolish. (53:50) I think it’s way too much for the body.


(53:52) Life is all about balance. (53:53) Too much vitamin D is actually bad for you. (53:55) Okay.


(53:56) Much of anything is bad for you. (53:58) You need to have proper levels. (53:59) This is exactly why I went through a lot of blood work to find out exactly where my (54:03) labels are at and following literally the data from the number one expert in the (54:09) world, this is a doctor who runs a hospital and he has done amazing, like literally (54:13) like miracles with vitamin D, but because you have to understand at what level and (54:18) at what point it’s going to be a benefit.


(54:20) And when I’m saying overcome every nutritional deficiency, and that includes (54:23) vitamin a, all the nutrients work synergistically together. (54:28) This is why you want everything working together. (54:30) This is the reason that I don’t have a million bottles of pills.


(54:33) Like, well, I got my vitamin A and my vitamin B 12 and my vitamin D and my (54:36) vitamin C and vitamin E and blah, blah, blah. (54:39) I get it all from food because the body responds best to food. (54:45) A lot of these supplements in built forms.


(54:47) I’ve seen the lab tests. (54:48) I am not a fan of what I’m seeing inside these pills. (54:51) There’s a lot of stuff in there that I’m not really fan up.


(54:53) That’s why I’m so picky about the products that I use. (54:56) And I don’t even, I don’t promote or use that many. (54:58) I only use like maybe four or five products.


(55:00) And the main ones are the carbon distiller and the hydrogen machine. (55:03) Those are foundational to good health. (55:06) Vitamin D you just need a little, and when you read and the level, this (55:11) is what the data actually shows.


(55:12) A doctor will tell you that anything below a 50, you are deficient in vitamin D. (55:17) Most people are below 50. (55:19) Actually, it’s really bad, but the real latest data shows that you (55:23) really want to be between like 80 to 90, maybe even a hundred, (55:26) but never go past a hundred. (55:28) It begins to cause other problems.


(55:30) And so I’m like in my nineties and it’s made such a dramatic difference (55:33) also in regards to my immune system. (55:35) I used to get sick at the drop of a hat because remember, I mean, I was really (55:39) sick, my, my immune system absolutely sucked. (55:42) I would get sick so easily and it would take me forever to overcome just (55:46) like the common cold or something.


(55:48) And the last four years have been like for me, some of the best years ever (55:53) because knock on wood, but I haven’t got sick at all. (55:56) And I know that I’ve come in contact with a lot of stuff out there and the (55:59) way that my body is now responding. (56:00) I am so happy because I mean, I really suffered for a very long time and it (56:05) was absolute hell when your body is not cooperating, so no, I would not do (56:09) some super strong injection on vitamin D at all.


(56:12) In fact, this is in a liquid form. (56:14) I like liquid more than a, more than pills. (56:17) And I just put literally a few drops.


(56:19) So not that much. (56:20) It’s a very small amount into the actual smoothie that I’m consuming. (56:25) So yeah, the way that you’re, that you did it is not the way that (56:28) I personally go about doing it.


(56:29) And so, and I think again, clearly the guy you talked to doesn’t know the (56:33) latest data about being exposed to the sun. (56:35) It clearly shows that our body now, this is when you’re older and it even, it (56:39) also depends on the melanin, meaning like the pigment of your skin. (56:43) So the amount of time that you would have to be out in the sun.


(56:46) And so the body not even really making proper levels of vitamin D once (56:49) you start getting older, and I’ve seen that a lot, actually with a lot of patients. (56:54) So that’s what I can tell you, but no vitamin D is so important. (56:57) All the nutrients are important, by the way.


(56:59) That’s why I said overcoming all nutritional deficiencies, all your (57:03) nutrients need to be where they’re at, because this body is, I mean, the (57:06) ancient scriptures call it a temple. (57:08) It really is like a structure. (57:10) It’s like a house or even a car.


(57:12) You don’t want to be missing a support beam. (57:14) You don’t want to be missing a part of the foundation. (57:16) You need all the pieces for the structure to be at its best.


(57:19) And the human body is no different. (57:21) You need all those different nutrients at proper levels so that the body can (57:25) literally work the way that it’s intended to work. (57:29) So as far as, so it’s, so right now, are you take, are you on a vegetarian (57:35) diet or are you on a vegan diet? (57:38) And how are you getting your B12 and your B vitamins? (57:43) So I don’t really have like quote unquote a specific diet because (57:47) I’m technically not vegan.


(57:49) I guess technically I wouldn’t say that I’m vegetarian either. (57:52) Um, but a lot of it has to do with the ratios of food that you eat. (57:55) So I eat a lot of vegetables.


(57:57) So vegetables is a big one. (57:59) I eat fruit. (58:00) I do eat them less than vegetables.


(58:02) So again, I eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, mushrooms. (58:07) Once in a while I do eggs. (58:09) I don’t eat them super often.


(58:11) And once in a while I’ll have seafood, but I don’t do that very often. (58:14) And then just me personally, I don’t, I don’t touch meat. (58:17) I mean, the whole reason I don’t touch meat is not because I (58:19) think meat is evil or anything.


(58:20) If I wanted the nutrients from me, I would use the magic of water (58:24) to actually pull the nutrients. (58:26) So like making certain types of broths, kind of like a boat broth type of stuff. (58:30) So I use water mostly because meat is dirty.


(58:33) I mean, I don’t know if you’ve seen the lab tests, um, all the beef tested in (58:37) America and they’ve done multiple studies. (58:39) They all test positive for fecal matter. (58:41) So, I mean, that’s pretty disgusting to me and I’m kind of a germaphobe.


(58:45) So I think that’s pretty gross. (58:46) And then on top of it, I’m really big on parasites as far as the literature and (58:51) understanding the science of parasites, how they keep the body from being able (58:55) to absorb nutrients properly, how they manipulate you chemically and may crave (58:59) certain foods, how they absolutely wreak havoc on creating war free radicals in (59:04) your body. (59:04) I mean, they literally defecate inside of you, uh, these parasites and they rob you (59:08) of nutrients and they eat things.


(59:10) But I am too. (59:11) I think all, I am one of those people. (59:15) I think all problems start with parasites.


(59:18) So let’s talk about that for just a second, because I think we’re all not, we (59:24) are all ridden with parasites and we need to get rid of them. (59:27) So what is your favorite thing to do to cleanse the parasites? (59:32) Well, I actually created my own protocol. (59:34) So I, the Japanese again, are number one in the world in understanding parasites.


(59:38) They have a whole research facility for it. (59:40) They have the number one museum also for understanding parasites. (59:44) And so I, I looked at their literature and I created an anti-parasitic protocol, (59:48) which is pretty involved.


(59:49) I’m not able to really disclose it all right here. (59:52) Plus some of it, um, places like YouTube, I used to have videos (59:55) and I used to educate on it. (59:56) I got attacked and I got flat and YouTube almost shut me down because of videos (1:00:01) that I had done years ago, by the way.


(1:00:03) And so I don’t really talk a lot about it. (1:00:06) Um, you can find certain things like a diatomaceous earth. (1:00:10) The science on that is really great.


(1:00:12) They’ve done a fecal tests on people who work at farms, people around animals, (1:00:16) people who have cats and dogs. (1:00:17) I hate to tell you, especially if you have them in your home, you’re (1:00:20) going to get their parasites. (1:00:21) Uh, there’s a reason that I got rid of my animals, which was really sad (1:00:25) because I love animals and stuff, but I couldn’t have them in the house.


(1:00:28) Realizing that I was sick and that these parasites were playing (1:00:31) a role in this, in my opinion. (1:00:33) I did some anti-parasitic cleanses. (1:00:35) I literally have pictures of the stuff that came out.


(1:00:37) It’s completely gross. (1:00:38) I can’t believe that the stuff was even real. (1:00:41) And you have to learn about different anti-parasitics because there is no (1:00:45) silver bullet for parasites, by the way, they function a lot like bacteria in (1:00:49) the sense that if you have an infection, they literally have to look at (1:00:52) what type of antibiotic to use.


(1:00:54) It’s the same thing with parasites. (1:00:56) There’s different kinds. (1:00:57) So I use this broad spectrum protocol that I created, but (1:01:00) diatomaceous earth is very inexpensive.


(1:01:03) I would definitely get food grade. (1:01:04) And there’s a lot of protocols online that you can find out. (1:01:07) I actually use the hydrogen water with it to help clear out, you know, the (1:01:11) GI to some extent and keep it healthy.


(1:01:13) Um, the other thing is most of the food I eat is actually anti-parasitic. (1:01:16) So you’ll be surprised to find out that basically a lot of vegetables, even (1:01:21) some fruits and even different types of nuts and these types of foods (1:01:24) are actually anti-parasitic. (1:01:26) Uh, you can find a lot of that literature also, again, reading the data.


(1:01:29) Um, I also use other anti-parasitics that I can’t really talk about, (1:01:33) quote unquote on, on a channel because I don’t want to get you in trouble, (1:01:37) but also found literature about hydrogen. (1:01:39) This actually surprised me. (1:01:40) I didn’t know, but I literally found studies that when they were using (1:01:44) hydrogen in the studies and they were studying parasites in this particular (1:01:47) study was for the liver and the parasitic numbers came down quite a bit.


(1:01:51) So it’s not that I think hydrogen kills parasites in my opinion, but it creates an (1:01:56) environment where parasites don’t want to be. (1:01:58) And that’s actually, in my opinion, a good thing. (1:02:00) So hydrogen really creates this wonderful, beautiful environment inside your body.


(1:02:04) And these bugs just don’t want to be in there. (1:02:06) And I think that that’s the problem with parasites is that they do have a function (1:02:10) and they’re going into the body for a reason, but that’s one of the reasons that (1:02:13) I also avoid, you know, eating meat, especially pork pork is, I mean, (1:02:17) I’ll tell you the ancient scriptures were right in my opinion, when they said, (1:02:20) do not eat pork because the science on port is pretty horrendous when it comes to (1:02:26) parasites and it can be darn right. (1:02:28) So dangerous that it could literally kill you sometimes.


(1:02:31) Um, if you get one of these nasty parasites that actually ends up in your brain, (1:02:34) um, there’s been literally literature on people who from eating pork would get a (1:02:39) little parasite and even know it, it was eating away at their brain until they (1:02:43) started having really, uh, bad symptoms. (1:02:45) And so I just stay away from pork altogether. (1:02:47) I do not.


(1:02:48) And yeah, I’m really thinking about keeping the temple as clean as possible, (1:02:52) the human body, and it, it rewards you with good health. (1:02:55) I don’t know about you guys, but I am stressed. (1:02:58) And if you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, then I get it with all (1:03:03) the family get togethers, it is just a relentless source of stress, but anyway, (1:03:10) there is something that I’ve got called stress guardian, and it’s actually made (1:03:14) by, by optimizers, the people who make the magnesium breakthrough, which I love, (1:03:19) love, love, but anyway, they are literally made this new product.


(1:03:24) It has 14 adaptogenic herbs and it just regulates your stress. (1:03:29) I just actually took some right this second. (1:03:32) And it’s awesome.


(1:03:33) If you go to stress, guardian.com slash waste away and put in a waste away for (1:03:38) 10% off your first order it’s stress guardian.com slash waste away. (1:03:44) Go there now. (1:03:47) Awesome.


(1:03:48) Well, this has been awesome. (1:03:49) Tell listeners where they can find you and where they can follow you. (1:03:53) So if people really want to see all my best work and again, (1:03:58) everything’s free, it’s on YouTube.


(1:03:59) The name of the channel is called uprising. (1:04:01) One four 4k. (1:04:02) I am on Instagram.


(1:04:04) I don’t do a ton of stuff there, but you can find me there. (1:04:06) Also seen the uprising one four 4k, or you might even be able to search (1:04:10) under the hydrogen man, but most of it’s uprising one four 4k. (1:04:14) You can find me on Twitter or X also.


(1:04:16) I just post a little bit. (1:04:17) They’re not a ton either. (1:04:19) You can also find me on rumble, but I also don’t put a ton of stuff there.


(1:04:23) I’m not a big computer guy and I just been doing this all (1:04:25) for free on a shoestring budget. (1:04:27) So most of it is just kind of YouTube videos, educating and showing what it (1:04:31) is that I have done to overcome these crazy medical issues. (1:04:35) And so just try to help people out there.


(1:04:37) Awesome. (1:04:38) Well, you guys stay tuned. (1:04:40) We’ve got another episode coming up in just a few.


(1:04:43) Bye bye for now. (1:04:45) Hey guys, thanks for listening to today’s podcast. (1:04:48) If you enjoy the podcast, it would mean the world to us for you to leave a review (1:04:51) on iTunes, to get this podcast out to others that may have the same questions (1:04:54) that you do, and as always, if you have a question that you want answered, email (1:04:57) those two questions at chantelwayway.com. (1:05:00) Thanks again.